What do fitness and organizing have in common?
Getting fit, dieting, and getting organized make the top New Year's resolutions EVERY year! If any of those were on your list and you've sidetracked a bit; take heart, it's only February and you can easily get back on track!I was presenting to a delightful group of ladies just recently. It was on the coldest day of the year thus far, and yet all these women had turned out to learn about more about organizing. Moreover, this group had just finished their regular exercise together at a local church's facility. When I asked them how often they exercise together, they replied: 3 times a week, and they have been doing it as a group for years! Just for the record, the youngest in the group is about age 50. Let me tell you folks, this was a group of "hot" looking women. They had figures and shapes that would defy those of many 20-year olds! Fitness is not defined by age.Interestingly, organizing and getting fit have a lot in common, I explained to them:Both are a lifestyle change.You make a decision to exercise and get fit. You must also make a decision to get organized. Change is not easy, but it is good! You can make a choice to change and start living a more simple and organized life.Both can be learned.Despite the routine school of thought, people are not "born with the organizing gene." I was not always organized. I learned as a young mom that when I was more organized, everything else went more smoothly in our home and we all had more peace. I'm still a work in progress and make a commitment to it each day! Organization is a skill which can be learned. Just like learning a new exercise routine, you can learn organizing skills which you can apply in every aspect of your life.Both have to be maintained.You don't exercise one time and your muscles are fit. The same goes with organizing a space, however, most folks seem to think of organizing as a one-time fix. You don't clean your house or office one time and never have to do it again. Lots of living and activity go on in a house and office. For those of you who wanted to hear there was a "magic wand fix," I apologize for bursting your bubble here.Both can be better when done with a friend.These ladies gather together for their exercise because they support and encourage one another in a variety of ways. Encouragement: It is one of the most powerful words I know. Having someone to help and support you in your organizing efforts will ensure success.You can have setbacks in both. "Practice makes...better," is the mantra of our friend and beloved Pastor, Bobby Vitek. You will have days where you have interruptions in your fitness schedule and things that deter you from your organizing goals. Organization is NOT about perfection; it is about simple, sensible solutions for real people in everyday life.The results are rewarding. The results of getting fit: feeling better, looking better, better health numbers where it counts (i.e. cholesterol), reducing stress, getting those endorphins pumping, and then later, sleeping better. The results of getting organized: peace of mind, reducing stress, reducing mental clutter, being able to enjoy your space, finding things when you need them, productivity, and saving money. What would getting (more) organized do for you? You fill in the blank: ________."Practice makes...better." Start somewhere. Start today!I'm here to help you find peaceful order where you live and work,~ Kat Jacoby