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Clear the Clutter! Fav sites, blogs and a free opportunity!
One of my strengths is realizing I can't do it all. Thankfully, I have over 4,000 other Professional Organizers in NAPO to network and resource with through a variety of means. As veteran organizer, Barbara Hemphill notably says, "Together we are better!"I wanted to share some sites I refer to for information. Of course, I admit to being a Container Store junkie and they have fantastic tips & advice on their site, http://www.containerstore.com but here are a few other favs:Best for pretty desktop items. The "life organization"" section of this site has all sorts of list-makers. SeeJaneWork.com http://www.seejanework.comBest for drawer and craft storage and great for all around the house: OrganizedAtoZ.com http://www.organizedAtoZ.comAnd here are a couple of blogs for organizing & decluttering tips:I'm an Organizing Junkie http://www.orgjunkie.com -- read for inspiration and motivational boosts, like the "28 Day Organizing Challenge..."Unclutterer http://www.unclutterer.com -- read for quick easy-to-accomplish daily tips.If you are decluttering THIS week, get rid of your clutter FOR FREE & DO A GOOD DEED. This Saturday 01/22/11, NAPO San Antonio is sponsoring a community service event from 10 am to 2pm, at the parking lot of Goodwill at 281 & Bitters. See details. http://www.naposanantonio.com/ClubPortal/ClubStatic.cfm?clubID=2829&pubmenuoptID=33475